Are you ready to start your dream business in Canada?

For 7 weeks, we work together to help you go from confused immigrant to thriving entrepreneur while operating in the country of your dreams!


We provide you with a step-by-step, easy-to-follow guide of everything you need to know to setup a successful business.

Setting up a business in a foreign country can be daunting for anybody.

I know because I'm an immigrant just like you.

And just like you, I had to deal with a lot of confusion and discouragement when I started my business.

Not only were the rules different, there were also certain disadvantages that made it more difficult to become an entrepreneur.

Back, then I had to deal with:

✔️ Navigating through all the legal requirements
✔️ Getting over all the cultural differences
✔️ Figuring out the right business to setup
✔️ Studying almost a hundred tax laws
✔️ Finding the right people to do business with
✔️ ...and a whole lot more!

The task was so overwhelming that there were several times when I just thought about giving up!

But I didn't give up!

I navigated my way through all the frustration and I'm happy I did! I realized that becoming an immigrant entrepreneur was possible if only I had the right tools and the right knowledge that I now have.

Now, I am a serial entrepreneur with several successful businesses in Canada. I continue to grow my businesses and live the life that I've always dreamed of for me and my family.

And you know what? You can, too!

With just the right guidance and the right action plan, you won't have to go through all that confusion and waste time and money on making mistakes!

Imagine if you can:

✔️ Setup your business in Canada for success - the right way!
✔️ Ensure the future success of your business and maximize your profit potential
✔️ Eliminate all the unnecessary distractions and really focus on getting your business setup quickly and efficiently
✔️ Understand the foundations of doing business in Canada
✔️ Overcome the cultural barriers and remove all the disadvantages that comes with becoming an immigrant entrepreneur


Immigrants Developing Entrepreneur Academy (IDEA)

IDEA is a 10-week step-by-step course tailored specifically to immigrants so you can effectively navigate through the hurdles and challenges that comes with starting a business in a new country. It was created to help Canadian immigrants like you start a successful business easier and faster than you’d ever imagined.

IDEA is a 7-week step-by-step course tailored specifically to immigrants so you can effectively navigate through the hurdles and challenges that comes with starting a business in a new country. It was created to help Canadian immigrants like you start a successful business easier and faster than you’d ever imagined.

How does IDEA work?

As a member of IDEA, you get access to the awesome resources below...

Weekly Modules

IDEA trainings are released in weekly modules with easy-to-follow pre-recorded videos, templates, resource lists, and cheat sheets.

Private Community

All of the training is online inside a private, member only site. You can view the training videos (any time and as many times as needed), connect with others, and compare notes with fellow immigrants.

Q&A Sessions

IDEA also includes live, weekly “Office Hours” where Karla and other successful immigrant entrepreneurs answer questions and offer strategic advice to ensure that students take consistent action and receive the highest value from their investment.


You’re an IDEA member for life. You can retake the program for free anytime, for as long as the program exists.

Is IDEA right for me?

If you're a current or future immigrant who wants to learn how to properly build a business in Canada, learn about financing options, set up a team, create an operations system, increase sales and scale up potentials, then IDEA is for you.

The program is best suited for:

  • Future immigrants to Canada who want to learn before arriving
  • Current immigrants to Canada who owned a business back at home
  • Current immigrants to Canada with no previous business experience
  • Immigrants to Canada who are fed up of not being able to find a job and are looking at self-employment or business as a viable option

What's Inside The Course

Here's what we'll cover in the course of 7 weeks...

Module 1: Understanding the Canadian Business Landscape

For your first lesson, you'll be understanding how the business community operates in Canada. This will help set your expectations and prepare you for the challenges that comes with opening up a business in this country. You will also be learning about the culture in Canada and some of the do's and don'ts about doing business here.

Module 2: Foundations of a Profitable Business In Canada

In this module, we will uncover what the most profitable businesses are and which one you should invest on to help you ensure success. We will study the current market, understand the needs and wants of Canadian consumers to secure the future of your potential investment.

Module 3: The Right Business Structure For You

With our help, you will be able to decide which business structure would be most advantageous for you. We will talk about liabilities and how to protect yourself from things that may come up in your business.

Module 4: Creating Your Business Canvas

Learn about creating your business canvas and how to do it the right way! You will be learning about the market from an insider's perspective. I will teach you step-by-step on the best way to position your business.

Module 5: Funding Your Business

We will show you several ways on how you can finance your business. This module will also tackle about handling your finances and making sure that you are making significant profits in your business each month.

Module 6: Registering Your Business The Easy Way

You will know exactly how to register your business in Canada quickly and efficiently. I will walk you through what you need to do and what you don't need to do so you won't end up wasting precious time and money.

Module 7: Taxes Made Simple and Uncomplicated

I know learning about taxes isn't really as fun as exploring what business to start but it is a crucial aspect of your business and would potentially determine your future success. So we've put together a simple and uncomplicated guide to help you understand Canada's tax laws without feeling intimidated or confused. We will also be teaching you about certain things that you can do to help reduce your tax due. 

Module 8: Permits, Licenses, and Insurance

Making sure you comply with state requirements about operating a business in Canada and protecting your business from future actions is a priority for us. This module, you will understand about several business documents that you need to acquire before you can begin operating your business.

Module 9: Finding the Right People and Canadian Human Resources

Learn where you can hire the right people , understand cultural expectations, and know about the best human resource practices so you can prevent as much conflict as possible and ensure that your staff remains motivated and happy.

Module 10: Creating Business Systems That Work

If you want to scale your business later on, you need to be able to setup the right systems. I will teach you some of the proven systems that I use to launch several businesses to success.




Franchises In Canada


Renting Commercial Property


Best Business Tools

When does IDEA start?

IDEA enrollment happens two times a year, but once you're in, you're in for life.
Once you sign up, you can choose to go at your own pace throughout the year, or join other members and finish the training in just 7 weeks.

You can take IDEA as often as needed if need be, to refocus and make even more progress on your business.

Course is now closed, sign up for our wait-list for the next cohort



Take advantage of three easy monthly payments

$175/month CAD



Paid in full at the time of Purchase

$497 CAD


Get to know your coach

Hi, I'm Karla Briones, experienced award-winning serial entrepreneur, small business columnist in Canada's Capital daily newspaper, TEDx Speaker and business college instructor at Algonquin College. I came to Canada at 18 in a U-Haul truck after a five-day drive from my country, Mexico.

In the last 15 years, I fell in love with business and opened many – which I still own! 

I've navigated entrepreneurship on my own as an immigrant and made many mistakes that I learned from. Now, I've been named Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year by Canada's Nation's Capital. I've helped hundreds of entrepreneurs launch, scale, and exit their businesses.  

To help out more aspiring immigrant entrepreneurs, I decided to put all my experience and knowledge in online courses to help you succeed and scale faster. My commitment is to help you along your business journey!  

You can ask me questions and get feedback during our weekly “Office Hours” calls along with my team of talented immigrant entrepreneur mentors.  

These fellow immpreneurs bring expertise from business plan writing, legal aspects, business immigration, accounting, marketing, franchises and more.

 Course Guarantee

We are so confident about this program and your investment in your education, that we offer a 15 day, money back guarantee from the moment the course starts. If you show you have done the work and exercises, show up to the "Office Hours" and participate in the discussions and you still believe this course doesn't meet your expectations, we will refund your enrolment. Don't worry, we won't take it personally.

What My Clients Are Saying

"Karla’s knowledge about all aspects of business and immigration is mind blowing, and with all her connections she has, we were able to put things in motion and set up a solid plan to start our business in Canada."


“It is because of this course that my lifegoals have been positively redirected. Thank you for creating something that is easy to understand, delivered with positive energy and saves students a lot of time in experimenting and searching for the information online.”


"Some of the things I've learnt are already proving useful in my current Nigerian business, which reinforces my conviction that - as a would be immigrant -  the roads are already well paved for my impending future business journey in Canada."



"Karla’s knowledge about all aspects of business and immigration is mind blowing, and with all her connections she has, we were able to put things in motion and set up a solid plan to start our business in Canada."


“If you are looking for someone who can help your business dream come true, I highly recommend Karla course. It has helped me on my business and gave me important information.”


“Karla’s knowledge and expertise is beyond limits. Her input and insights opened the door to new opportunities.”


The Journey Towards Your Dream Business Is Just A Few Clicks Away! Don't Miss It!